Andrew Pollard, Roman Jaques.
This report examines the sustainability performance of Beacon Pathway’s second new construction research house: the Rotorua NOW Home. The reticulated energy use, reticulated water use, indoor environmental quality and the occupancy satisfaction are examined and compared with Beacon’s first new construction research project, the Waitakere NOW Home, as well as Beacon’s set of sustainability performance benchmarks, the HSS High Standard of Sustainability.
The reticulated energy (electricity) usage in the Rotorua NOW Home was 6,900kWh for Year 1 and 6,500kWh for Year 2, both lower than the 8,200kWh/yr benchmark set by Beacon’s High Standard of Sustainability for Climate Zone 2. Two items that reduced the amount of reticulated energy (electricity) required was the solar water heating (SWH) system and, more significantly, the wood pellet burner.
The rainwater system performed well in the first year. The household was able to restrict demand from the reticulated water supply to use only 57L per person per day.
The resulting winter indoor temperatures in the Rotorua NOW Home had an average evening temperature of 17.5°C, slightly below the 18°C HSS High Standard of Sustainability benchmark. Average temperature in the Rotorua NOW Home’s master bedroom was 12.9°C, considerably cooler than the 16°C recommended in Beacon’s High Standard of Sustainability.