HomeSmart Renovations Phase One report: Development of procedures and establishing the pilot

Lois Easton, June Gibbons, Marta Karlik-Neale, Verney Ryan, Kay Saville Smith.

This report documents Phase One of the HomeSmart Renovation project, covering all activities up to the launch of the pilot, Phase Two.

A scoping process involving interviews with key industry representatives and workshop discussions was undertaken in order to identify the key processes, documents and organisations currently involved in sustainability retrofits and what was needed to develop these to deliver the HomeSmart Renovations project.

Partnerships for the project were established with community retrofit organisations in particular because these organisations have the greatest experience with retrofitting and there were organisations already operating in each of the localities considered for the pilot project.

HomeSmart Renovations Procedures were developed from the existing body of Beacon research, including substantial information from the Papakowhai Renovations project and information developed as part of the HomeSmart Homes (NOW100) project. Two assessment tools were developed:

  • The HomeSmart Consumer tool is a web based addition to the website and enables homeowners to develop a list of measures for action in their home, prioritised and tailored to specific dwelling attributes and problems.
  • The In-Home Assessment Tool enables a trained assessor to evaluate the dwelling and its attributes and develop a HomeSmart Renovation Plan for the dwelling.