Nicola Smith, Garry McDonald, Dorothy Wilson. This report synthesises three reports produced as a result of the development of a framework to value water demand management and its application to […]
Document Tag: water demand management
This is part of research which addressed the question, ‘why’ (would an organisation adopt WDM)? To do this Beacon commissioned work from Market Economics in three parts: a literature […]
Nicola Smith, Garry McDonald. This is report 2 of 3 in a rigorous economic analysis of the value of water demand management to help councils and water authorities to demonstrate […]
Maggie Lawton, Damon Birchfield, Dorothy Wilson. A framework is presented in this publication to assist water supply authorities and councils in developing a demand management strategy. It draws on information […]
Maggie Lawton, Damon Birchfield, David Kettle, Chloe Trenouth. This report is an in-depth investigation into demand management practices in New Zealand and overseas and the regulation and other policy approaches […]
Maggie Lawton, Damon Birchfield, David Kettle. This investigation reviewed the legal and policy pathways for mandating to include rain tanks for water conservation in new homes in the Auckland Region. […]
Sarah Heine. This report identifies three key areas and existing technologies which could be targeted for water efficiency. These are: front loading washing machines, water efficient toilets, and reduced garden […]