Water demand management: An economic framework to value with case study application

Nicola Smith, Garry McDonald, Dorothy Wilson. This report synthesises three reports produced as a result of the development of a framework to value water demand management and its application to […]

A framework for valuing water demand management: Tauranga City Council case study

  This is part of research which addressed the question, ‘why’ (would an organisation adopt WDM)? To do this Beacon commissioned work from Market Economics in three parts: a literature […]

A framework for valuing water demand management: Conceptual framework

Nicola Smith, Garry McDonald. This is report 2 of 3 in a rigorous economic analysis of the value of water demand management to help councils and water authorities to demonstrate […]

Integrated water management design criteria report

David Kettle. The three-fold purpose of this project was to develop a product design criteria methodology to assess water saving products and systems; identify water products and systems that perform […]

Slowing the flow: A comprehensive demand management framework for reticulated water supply

Maggie Lawton, Damon Birchfield, Dorothy Wilson. A framework is presented in this publication to assist water supply authorities and councils in developing a demand management strategy. It draws on information […]

Best practice water efficiency policy and regulations

Maggie Lawton, Damon Birchfield, David Kettle, Chloe Trenouth. This report is an in-depth investigation into demand management practices in New Zealand and overseas and the regulation and other policy approaches […]

Demand management through water retrofit projects

Damon Birchfield, Lois Easton. This paper considers the breadth and scope of demand management water conservation/retrofit initiatives taking place within and across New Zealand. At present, there is very little […]

Water efficiencies: Report on existing technology / expertise in New Zealand

Sarah Heine. This report identifies three key areas and existing technologies which could be targeted for water efficiency. These are: front loading washing machines, water efficient toilets, and reduced garden […]